Blue Orbit Web Design Logo Deak Kent CT14

Kent web design company

Why does your business need a website?

The simple answer is to compete with the competition and interact with your customers. With 4.7 billion internet users worldwide in 2018, it is a marketplace that businesses cannot afford not to be a part of. Ultimately, having a website will give your business further credibility and ultimately increase sales.

The below article gives a detailed overview of 10 benefits of having a website.

In today’s modern digital world, the majority of the population is connected to the internet at home, at work or via smartphones. There are a number of obvious drivers for the growth of the worldwide web – entertainment, education, research and shopping! 

Gibsons Farm Shop Website by Blue Orbit Deal Kent CT14

It is not only individuals that access the internet. Businesses buy and sell to each other. Indeed, 85% of business to business transactions are researched online before making a purchasing decision. The appeal of the internet has driven businesses to establish an online presence in the form of websites, mobile apps and social media platforms.

If your business does not have a website, then it is unlikely that it is performing to its’ fullest potential. Launching a website can provide numerous benefits. Blue Orbit Media have outlined some of these below.

10 Benefits of Business Websites

10 Benefits of Websites for Business by Blue Orbit Web Design


24/7 Presence

Whether you sell products or services, operate from retail/industrial premises or your home, you cannot physically be available to offer information to your customers or prospective consumers 24 hours a day.

A website can offer a fantastic solution to this issue. Your site can engage and inform visitors 24 hours per day and seven days per week. Furthermore, it creates the opportunity to collect revenue night and day, by employing e-commerce solutions


Geographical Reach

Traditional businesses can be limited by their geographical location. For example, if you are a bricks and mortar retailer operating from a high street, you may require your customers to visit your store in order to purchase items.

With a website, you will instantly expand your market reach to the whole World! Your site is accessible from around the globe, making your products and services accessible to billions of people.


Competitive Advantage

There is a high probability that your competitors will have a website and they will be gaining an advantage over those that do not. Launching your own site will result in your business being able to compete on a ‘level playing field’.

Additionally, Government statistics state that 38% (2.2m) of UK businesses do not have a website! Evidently, this provides a significant opportunity for your business to gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.



Owning an attractive and easy to use website will likely result in consumers viewing your business as credible. This is in comparison to competitors who either do not have a web presence or those who have a poor looking site.

Research has shown that 75% of users admit to judging a business’s credibility by the look of their website.


Cut Advertising Costs

Do you advertise your business locally? Do you know how effective it is at driving sales?

Traditional forms of advertising have become less effective in the last few decades and if you cannot measure the success of this spend, it could result in being a waste of time and money.

Implementing a website puts you in control of the messages you want consumers to see. Furthermore, it is flexible, costs little and can be targeted at consumers with an interest in your business’s products and services via social media.


Consumer Insights

Leading on from the last benefit, traditional local marketing is unlikely to be measured and will certainly not provide consumer insight which can be useful in helping to boost sales.

A website can measure how many people are viewing your site, when and how they view and offer insights into the improvement of your messages. For example, you may find social media platforms are the main source of traffic to your site. As a result, you could increase your presence/advertising budget on social media to attract and maintain customers.


Customer Relationship

An online presence allows businesses to build and foster a rapport with their customers. This can be delivered by additional information or special offers to loyal consumers.

Keeping your customers up-to-date on new products, services or news will build a value for visitors and encourage repeat purchases.


Customer Database

Online purchases and consumers subscribing to newsletter emails can be a powerful tool for your business. The information harvested can give businesses the potential to target relevant promotions at consumers who are interested in what you sell.


Improve Customer Satisfaction

An online presence for your business results in you being able to communicate and respond to your customers within seconds. This leads to a positive impression of your organisation and consumer loyalty.

Furthermore, if you have happy customers, they will be able to leave positive reviews. These reviews will eliminate the risk for prospective customers and likely increase your sales.


Websites Increase Sales

As a business owner, you will know presence and exposure is key to attracting new customers. A well designed, attractive website with interesting content will increase the probability of increasing sales.

Coupled with the good reputation of your ‘real world’ business, this can only help drive your business.

Website Services

How can Blue Orbit Help?

Blue Orbit Web Design Can Create Your Website

There are many ways to create a website, but if you are a professional organisation, then utilising a business web design company is essential in order to maximize the chances of your site becoming successful.


Gym website design ideas by Blue Orbit Web Design

We create Attractive Websites That Drive Sales

94% of a website user’s first impression of an online business are design related, so choosing the right website builders is vital.

Blue Orbit Media’s web development team create websites that are attractive and user-friendly. Our primary objective is to create elegant web pages which sell our clients’ products and services. Our enthusiastic team will give your business a bespoke look and feel, culminating in individual identity.

The core benefit is creating an online presence for your business, as well as opening up the opportunity for your business to interact with customers 24/7 and on a global scale.

Multi-platform Websites

Multi-Platform websites for Kent Businesses by Blue Orbit Web Design

85% of the UK population use smartphones, which means your website needs to view well on PC’s, laptop, tablets and smartphones.

Our websites are created with these platforms in mind. Whichever platform your site is viewed on, you can be assured it will remain functional, attractive and seamless.

Fast Websites

Fast Website Builders by Blue Orbit Web Design

Our sites are built with the end user in mind and they are easy to navigate and quick to load. 39% of people will stop viewing a site if it is slow or the images on the page take too long to load. Fortunately, this is not a problem for our customers as all images and pages are optimised for viewing on the web. Furthermore, we use UK web servers. This results in a slick experience for the viewer.

Content Creation

With years of experience, our team are experts in creating content for our clients. We can translate what you do into engaging text and images. By populating your site with rich content, we can increase dwell time. This benefits clients as your search engine rank will increase and leads to more sales. In basic terms, the longer the time spent on your site, the greater the value visitors are getting from your content.

Facebook post example by Blue Orbit Web Design


A picture paints a thousand words, but not all pictures are made equal. Images are key to any successful website as they draw the user to certain areas of your site and keep them coming back. Having poor quality images will be off-putting to customers and could be detrimental to your credibility. Our photography service can provide your site with high quality, engaging images related to your business.

Video Creation

If a picture paints a thousand words, then a video paints a thousand pictures! Creating video content for your business and website is going to become increasingly important. Cisco predicts that by 2021, 82% of internet traffic will be video

Blue Orbit Media offers a range of video creation options and professional advertisements. If you have a vision we can bring it to life and if not, we can create ideas for you.


Do you wish to sell your products and services online? We offer fully functional e-commerce sites which can create revenue for you 24/7.

An ONS study reports that the UK e-commerce market is now worth £137 billion pounds per year. Equating to around 16% of total sales, this figure has grown from 9% in 2012.

With this trend predicted to continue, all businesses need to consider unlocking this opportunity.

If you sell products, Blue Orbit Media can place these on your website, so they can be purchased worldwide. Alternatively, if you offer services we can create booking and payment facilities for these too. This automates your sales process and will raise incremental sales for your business.

Website Booking Systems

Online Booking forms for websites by Blue Orbit Web Design

Do you wish to automate booking your services? Blue Orbit Media can create tools so that booking appointments or reservations is automated.

Do you find taking bookings for your services time consuming and sometimes not worthwhile? We can help! With our array of booking system software, we can remove the time and the stress out of the process. Whether you are offering hair appointments, boilers services or room bookings, we have the solution for you.

Our automated systems are easy to use, collect payments 24 hours a day and can be fully integrated into your website.

Website Quote Systems

With years of experience, our team are experts in creating content for our clients. We can translate what you do into engaging text and images. By populating your site with rich content, we can increase dwell time. This benefits clients as your search engine rank will increase and leads to more sales. In basic terms, the longer the time spent on your site, the greater the value visitors are getting from your content.

SEO Optimised

SEO for your website Deal Kent CT14

This is a term that you are probably not familiar with, but it is of fundamental importance. Websites that appear in search engines on the first page are more likely to get clicks and website visits, leading to increased sales.

But how do you get your business to rank on the first page? Getting to the first page in a search engine can take time and will depend on a number of factors. For example, if there are hundreds of similar businesses in your area, then this will take longer.

Blue Orbit Media will give your site the best chance of achieving a first page listing by optimising your website throughout construction. This service comes as a standard with all of our web design packages. A lot of our customers will charge more for this service.

Bespoke Emails

Add credibility to your business with bespoke email addresses. For example . We can create and install these on all of your devices. Additionally, we can create and set up email signatures. An email signature is usually found at the bottom of an email and provides contact information of the sender. The email signature can be branded with your logo and add to the presentation of your communications. This service comes as standard with all of our web design packages.

Monthly Consumer Analysis

Having a web presence is one thing, but getting useful feedback is of vital importance.  We provide a monthly report, detailing key facts. For example, how many people view your site, how they view, where the traffic is directed from and what search engine questions highlight your business.

This is valuable information, as it allows you to understand the return on your investment and highlight how you can increase website visitors further. We will always offer advice as to how this can be improved.

Naming Your Website

A domain name is essentially your business name. I.e. The domain name needs to be purchased and registered before your site can be viewed on the web.

Blue Orbit Media take care of this process and will present the different naming options to you. Once you decide on the domain name, we register your name and make payment. The cost of the domain name is included in all our packages.

What is Web Hosting?

Your website needs to be hosted on a server so that it can be viewed on the internet. Again, this is a technical detail that we can arrange for you. In fact, all of our packages come with a free domain name and web hosting for a year as standard.

Search Engine Submission

You know what a search engine is if you utilise Google to answer a question. Google and Bing are the biggest search engines in the UK (over 94% of market share) and it is essential that people can find your businesses on here.

Blue Orbit Media takes care of this as part of our standard package. We not only submit your sites into the search engines, but we also create a Google My Business listing. This gives an overview of your business within Google and makes it easier for users to find your website.

Google submission for my business by Blue Orbit Web Design

Your Branding And Logo Design

Logo designer Deal Kent CT14

If your business has a distinct brand and logo, then we are able to transfer this to your website. We create digital extensions of your ‘real world’ business.

For those businesses that are looking to re-brand, then we can offer a stylish solution. We create branding for our customers, along with logo design.

Social Media Platforms

Why have a Social Media Page?  Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are essentially websites that allow users to create and share content or participate in social networking.

Over the last ten years, they have become increasingly popular. Facebook alone has 1.19 billion users! For your business, this can be a great way to expand your business’s online presence.

Having social media pages for your business will increase existing and potential customers finding your business online.

Blue Orbit Media create and brand social media accounts for you as part of our standard package.

Great Customer Service

There are a lot of web design businesses, but we doubt that they offer the same level of customer service you can expect from Blue Orbit Media. We are always on-hand to deal with any query or request. We pride ourselves on our communication, flexibility and pace to respond to your needs.

The Process

There are a lot of web design businesses, but we doubt that they offer the same level of customer service you can expect from Blue Orbit Media. We are always on-hand to deal with any query or request. We pride ourselves on our communication, flexibility and pace to respond to your needs.

Consultation Meeting
Initial Ideas & Proposal
Website Designed
Website Launched (+ social media)
12-Month Website Analysis Report